Privacy Policy

At GOLDEN PERUVIAN TOURS, the privacy and security of all USERS and THIRD PARTIES on our website are of utmost importance. For this reason, we have established this Personal Information Protection Policy.

Our company values the trust of visitors to our website when sharing their personal information, which will be handled with the highest standards of data protection and privacy. This includes compliance with Peruvian Law No. 29733, the Personal Data Protection Law.

By accessing our website, the USER or any third party is deemed to accept the practices described in this Privacy and Data Protection Policy and expressly consents to GOLDEN PERUVIAN TOURS SAC processing any personal data provided through our website.

Personal data will be incorporated into GOLDEN PERUVIAN TOURS’s Client Database and will be used for the administrative and commercial management of the user’s request, as well as for any potential contractual relationship with



When a USER or third party navigates through our website, any personally identifiable information—such as name, address, phone number, email, and any other data provided to GOLDEN PERUVIAN TOURS SAC—will be handled with special care to ensure its privacy and security.



We receive and store any information that the USER or third party enters on the website or provides to GOLDEN PERUVIAN TOURS SAC in any other way.

Visiting our website does not require users to provide personal information. Whenever GOLDEN PERUVIAN TOURS SAC collects data, the voluntary or mandatory nature of such information will be indicated. Refusal to provide mandatory data will result in the inability to access the requested services. Voluntary data may be provided to help us enhance our services.

The information that a USER enters when registering an account on the website is used for identification, internal statistics, interaction processes, and other necessary purposes. Additionally, GOLDEN PERUVIAN TOURS SAC or its partners may use this information for specific purposes, such as confirming a hotel reservation or purchasing museum tickets.

Users and third parties are responsible for ensuring that all data provided is truthful, accurate, up to date, legal, and authentic at all times.



By providing their email address to GOLDEN PERUVIAN TOURS SAC, the USER authorizes us to send information about our company, including updates, improvements, offers, benefits, promotions, and more.



The USER authorizes GOLDEN PERUVIAN TOURS SAC to retain their data even after the contractual relationship has ended, for the purpose of complying with legal obligations and sending promotional information and commercial offers, in accordance with the regulations of the «Gracias… no insista» registry of INDECOPI.

The USER may unsubscribe from newsletters, emails, or personalized online advertisements at any time by following the instructions included in the promotional material received.



Los datos personales recogidos a través de nuestro PORTAL Web para realizar pagos electrónicos son procesados en un servidor seguro. Implementamos programas de protección en nuestros servidores utilizando el sistema de cifrado Secure Socket Layer (SSL), el cual codifica la información para prevenir usos fraudulentos.

Si bien no se puede garantizar una seguridad absoluta, estos sistemas han demostrado ser efectivos en la protección de información confidencial, ya que cuentan con mecanismos que impiden accesos no autorizados (ej. hackers).

Recomendaciones para mayor seguridad:

  • Evite enviar los detalles completos de su tarjeta de crédito o débito sin cifrar en comunicaciones electrónicas.
  • Contamos con salvaguardias físicas, electrónicas y de procedimiento para la recolección, almacenamiento y divulgación segura de su información.
  • Para su protección, en algunas ocasiones solicitaremos una prueba de identidad antes de revelar información personal.
  • El USUARIO es el único responsable de proteger su contraseña y evitar accesos no autorizados a su cuenta y computadora.